Saturday, 26 July 2008

Whimbrel and Wilderness

As a three day two night bushcraft expedition ended I managd to wash and get some sleep before being out again straight away this morning birding. On the hill we watched Hen Harriers, Arctic terns from the sea at Proaig and a pair of Swans as well. Common Sandpipers called and flew across the mouth of the river and Plovers fed along the beach. Lovely plants including some cracking heather and Blaeberries too.

This morning at Garra Ellabus there were 97 Whimbrel which we enjoyed watching and discussing thier long distance migration - now under way heading south once more.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Whimbrel passing

Early this morning I had a largish (49) Whimbrel in a field at Coultorsay and the Corncrake was
still calling by the kirk. Off today on anothe rwilderness expedition to the east of Islay on Ardtalla Estate. Back on Saturday.......

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Goldcrests 2 Crossbills 7!

A cracking morning birding with regulars from Oban. We headed out towards the new abbatoir
where we immediately had a small flock of Crossbils, then there were in total. Then we enjoyed a pair of Goldcrest working along the larches and Martins and Swallows picked up food in the lee of the wind. Down onto the Merse there were plenty of Dunlin, Plover and
Barwits. Gannets fed off the shore line and a pair of Buzzards floated above. Wonderful.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Wildwood Wisdom Camp and Eagles

Another week long wilderness camp with local children based on the Ardtalla Estate. Wonder/wander times; exploring and fishing and nature watching with sixteen kids! We found an Otter skull, watched Common Sandpipers and nests, Gannets fishing too and did lots of campcraft activities. At night Roe Deer bucks barked and a Barn Owl screeched.

On our return a pair of eagles circled overhead. Superb.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Rhoddie, Snipe and Harrier

We all had a great week in the wilderness. Snipe calling throughout the night and occasional drumming too. Harriers passed us on the hill and we were able to remove alot of Rhoddie bushes as part of the childrens conservation part of their John Muir Award. Campfires, songs, playing in the river, sleeping in caves, running on the beach, wild swimming in high pools, laughing and joking and just being in the wild. A wonderful Stramash camp!

Monday, 7 July 2008


Out today for a whole week with children form the county learning wilderness living skills, nature watching and doing their John Muir Award. Hopefully it will be drier this week! This image is from last Stramash Camp. More at the end of the week.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Wet wet and very wild

We survived a wilderness camp with sixteen children. And boy did it rain! However it did not stop us having lots of fun, identifying plants, watching Buzzards and Raven, listening to Great and Long Tailed Tits and doing the John Muir Award. The youngsters built a footbridge out of coppiced Hazel as well as a camp kitchen!