every so often we have to have a re-think.
it happens to all of us.
over the past year we have been looking very carefully at our code of conduct
and our policies.
we try to live without too much impact on planet earth,
it is frustrating at times.
we are realising that unless we, as individuals, take responsibility then little will change.
big governments are big ....and slow
and even those who care about the future of our planet seem to have their hands tied.
we know that there are things we can control,
and we have choices:
sometimes hard,
hard before one makes them, and then easy once done.
we are at that point now.
today is world car free day and we are doing just that.
from the end of this week we will be car free as a business.
we will now use bicycles, tandems or feet.
if you wish us to guide you from a vehicle we can do one of two things: use yours or rent one for you with us driving ................
today is a good day for rethinking - thank you for helping us to be better