Wednesday 13 August 2008

Dawn, Merlin and Islay Show

We were out at 0400hrs today. Still dark but when we got to Ardnave the light was showing and th emist hung like a morning/mourning mantle. Four Chough sat on the barn roof and Greylag called from the loch. Lots of gulls were coming in and more Greylag too. In one group there were over 100 birds. There were alot of waders: Barwits, Dunlin, Plover, Oystercatchers and Curlew. We saw a Tawny Owl and lots of Buzzards and on our return a Merlin shot low over the moss. Later in the day Rhona and I with the help of her boyfriend Finn (thanks) prepared for the Islay Show tomorrow. Hopefully the sun will still be shining.