Saturday, 7 March 2009

Birding Japanese

Despite the utterly foul weather today we got out birding with Japanese folk. Starting in Bowmore we headed around Tallant, watching displaying Lapwings, Starlings and Heron too. Upon the hill a Golden Gagle was spotted being mobbed by ravens. It then disappeared, we got the kelly kettle out for some warming hot chocolate and then we picked it up again further down the glen. It closed on us and we could see it's golden mantle, head and plumage too through the murk. Later we had Chough, Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Barnacles, Whitefronts, Fieldfare, Whooper swans and of course plenty of wee birds too including a cracking flock of Reed Buntings. Plenty of new species for our Japanese guests.